UniOlbia, from the Region 1 million 700 thousand euros for the academic year 2021/2022
Consorzio Polo universitario UniOlbia has obtained funding from the Sardinia Region of 1 million 700 thousand euros for the academic year 2021. A contribution of 1 million 300 thousand euros was approved on 9 November 2021 with resolution 44/18. A second financing of 400 thousand euros was allocated the 10 December 2021 with resolution 48/34.
Now UniOlbia will start its activity, which began with the academic year 2021/2022, following the three-year plan already approved by the Board of Directors of the Consortium, which was founded and is attended by the Municipality of Olbia, the University of Sassari, Cipnes Gallura, Aspo, Geasar, Sinergest, Consorzio dell'area marina protetta Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo and the Euro-Mediterranean Institute.
As stated in the statute, UniOlbia "wants to represent the reference structure for the establishment and management, in the territory of Gallura, of university training courses and post-graduate managerial initiatives". The mission of the Consortium - which operates on a non-profit basis - is to contribute to the general objectives of the University of the 21st century; at the centre are the person, knowledge and democratic society.
Operationally, UniOlbia has 5 strategic objectives: 1, promote and disseminate university culture; 2, foster and develop scientific research, technological development in the fields of tourism, environment, health, public governance, HR human resources; 3 to promote and disseminate interregional, national and international cooperation, within a framework of interdisciplinarity and integration with the production and services realities; 4, support academic partnership agreements aimed at the activation of double degrees and joint degrees; 5, promote and disseminate the production and quality of scientific publications resulting from academic cooperation at multiple levels.
The degree and postgraduate courses will be activated in agreement with the Universities, departments, institutes, institutions and foundations, also according to the needs of the economic and social activities of greatest interest in Gallura. In this perspective, the excellent degree course in Tourism Economics, held by Disea of the University of Sassari, has been confirmed. Always following this philosophy, UniOlbia will promote in 2022 - always with the University of Sassari as a scientific partner and in full synergy with the Rector Gavino Mariotti - two new courses: one of "Management of the Marine and Coastal Environment" and the other of "Nursing Sciences"; the latter with the active participation, in addition to Uniss, also Mater Olbia.
In addition to the didactic offer, the UniOlbia consortium will take care of the administrative and technical-logistic management of students and teachers. The administrative headquarters will be in the building of Olbia Expo; the teaching offices will always be in Olbia in the former Upim and Standa palace of Corso Umberto, in the former Sep (pictured), in the airport of Olbia, where they are currently housed, and in the headquarters of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute.
First UniOlbia 2021 financing resolution
Second UniOlbia 2021 financing resolution